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McCarty, Owen, Ph.D.

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Person


  1. Resource Description
    Cardiovascular and Blood Research: "Dr. McCarty's research is focused on understanding the interplay between cell biology and fluid mechanics in the cardiovascular system. In particular, his research into the balance between hydrodynamic shear forces and chemical adhesive interactions has great relevance to underlying processes of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation." Cancer fluid biopsy research group: "The first step toward the development of a model of cancer in the metastatic phase is the establishment of the fundamental physical parameters of cancer cells in the circulation. Surprisingly little quantitative information is currently known about the size, shape and feel of cancer during transit in the vasculature. Dr. McCarty’s goal is to answer questions that are fundamental to the development of a model of cancer metastasis: how big are circulating epithelial tumor cells (CTC)? Are these properties comparable to or distinct from the physical properties of primary tumor cells? or of blood cells? Do the physical parameters of CTCs change over time? Is the biophysical signature of CTCs heterogeneous for a single patient at a single time? The goal of Dr. McCarty’s team is to characterize the size, mechanical, and ultrastructural properties of individual cancer cells across time, space, and disease stages."
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Title
    Assistant professor
  5. Website(s)
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