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Implantation of injected embryos into pseudopregnant foster mother mice protocol

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Protocol


  1. Resource Description
    "Fur over the left lumbar area, approximately 2 cm2, is sprayed with 70% EtOH, and a 1 cm incision is made. After opening the abdominal cavity, the fat pad overlying the ovary is grasped with sterile forceps, and the ovary and distal end of the uterine horn is exteriorized. Embryos can either be transferred into the oviduct (zygotes, 2-cell embryos) or the uterus (blastocysts). For 2-cell embryos, the tip of the pipette is inserted into the infundibulum and with the application of positive air pressure, 10 to 20 embryos are placed into the fallopian tube. Transfer of blastocysts is achieved by generating a port at the distal end of the uterus using a hypodermic needle followed by transfer of 8 to 10 blastocysts into one horn of the uterus. Following embryo transfers, the abdominal wall is sutured with 3-0 or 4-0 PDS-II taper and the skin incision is closed using surgical staples or PDS-II. Post-surgical care includes a heating pad or lamp to avoid hypothermia until the mice are recovered from anesthesia."
  2. Uses
    Zeiss Axiovert 135 embyro microinjection station
  3. Used by
    Transgenic Mouse Model Shared Resource
  4. Website(s)
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