eagle-i Oregon Health & Science UniversityOregon Health & Science University
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Indirect calorimetry service

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Material analysis service


  1. Fee for service
  2. Resource Description
    "The indirect calorimetry equipment measures volume of oxygen consumption and volume of carbon dioxide output by placing a plexi-glass canopy over the head in a supine position. Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) includes a 20 minute rest period followed by 30 minutes of data collection. Energy expenditure (EE) and Respiratory Quotient (RQ), a measure of relative fat vs. carbohydrate oxidation, are determined. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) can be determined with a protocol similar to the REE, involving an overnight stay the night before. Thermic effect of food (TEF) can also be determined by feeding the participant a known quantity of food and monitoring EE and RQ for an additional 6 hours. Length of measurements may vary per protocol guidelines."
  3. Service Provided by
    Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute Bionutrition Unit
  4. Website(s)
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