eagle-i Oregon Health & Science UniversityOregon Health & Science University
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Phillips, Tamara, Ph.D.

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Person


  1. Resource Description
    "The broad area of interest in my laboratory is the genetic dissection of behavioral traits thought to influence risk for the development of alcoholism and drug abuse. We utilize genetic animal models to study acute and chronic drug and alcohol effects associated with drug reward, behavioral sensitivity, and neuroadaptation. We also examine traits that co-segregate with addiction. Mice genetically prone and resistant to the behavioral effects of abused drugs are used in pharmacological and genetic mapping studies to identify specific neurotransmitter systems and chromosomal locations of genes that produce variations in behavior. We are currently focusing most of our attention on two drugs, alcohol and methamphetamine (MA), due to my involvement with both the Portland Alcohol Research Center (PARC) and Methamphetamine Abuse Research Center (MARC)."
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Title
    Director, Portland Alcohol Research Center
  5. Title
  6. Title
    Research Component PI, Methamphetamine Abuse Research Center
  7. Title
    Scientific Director, Methamphetamine Abuse Research Center
  8. Performs Technique
    Behavioral assay
  9. Website(s)
  10. Website(s)
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