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Center for Evidence-based Policy

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Center


  1. Resource Description
    "The Center for Evidence-based Policy is a national leader in evidence-based decision making and policy design.We work with federal, state and local policymakers in more than 20 states to use high-quality evidence to guide decisions, maximize resources and improve health outcomes. Established in 2003 by Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber, M.D., the Center works with a wide range of stakeholders to improve public policy through innovation, collaboration, and use of best evidence. In fulfilling its mission, the Center: identifies existing research relevant to the needs of decision makers in government and nonprofit sectors; works with researchers to conduct original research that provides evidence-based answers to policy questions; facilitates collaborations of like-minded parties interested in using evidence in decision-making; engages diverse and relevant stakeholders in policy development. The Center continually develops and revises methods to empower government agencies, other organizations and citizens at large to become part of social problem-solving processes. We assist in framing the "key questions" that must be addressed for a solution to be reached. This is achieved by engaging governmental entities, policymakers, non-profit organizations, private citizens, philanthropies, and researchers through projects that educate and provide training on the use of evidence in policy development and decision-making. Bringing these groups together to build on their similar interests, the Center convenes innovative collaborations and provides participants with decision-making tools needed to address today's policy challenges."
  2. Additional Name
  3. Contact
    King, Anne
  4. Affiliation
    School of Medicine
  5. Website(s)
  6. Director
    Gibson, Mark
  7. Secondary affiliation
    Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University
  8. Secondary affiliation
    Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center
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