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Portland Alcohol Research Center

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Center


  1. Resource Description
    "The center supports the coordinated research efforts of 20 scientists at the VA and OHSU, and one scientist at the University of Pittsburgh, in areas ranging from behavioral neuroscience to molecular biology. A major emphasis of the research is using animal models to study the genetic contributions to alcohol and drug sensitivity. The PARC is focused on the genetics of how the brain adapts to alcohol. Genetic mapping techniques have allowed a large group of investigators collaboratively to identify the location of individual genes affecting responses to alcohol in mice. The PARC is unique in its focus on gene mapping and discovering the function of many such genes relevant for how the brain responds to chronic alcohol."
  2. Additional Name
  3. Contact
    Metten, Pamela, Ph.D.
  4. PI
    Crabbe, John C., Ph.D.
  5. Affiliation
    Portland VA Medical Center
  6. Affiliation
    Department of Behavioral Neuroscience
  7. Website(s)
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